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Izuma Edge ready test suite

You can use the Izuma Edge ready test suite to test the full working functionality of the deployed LmP Yocto builds and gateway software. The tests identify gaps, errors, or functionality missing the required target. The test cases are divided into different levels according to the functional areas:

  • Level 1: validates files, folders, partition mounting, partition size and some hardware requirements.
  • Level 2: checks for the required programs and services on the gateway.
  • Level 3: checks for the network interface and connectivity.
  • Level 4: runs smoke test cases to validate the environment.
  • Level 5: checks for all of the system services.

The tests complete with reports in CSV, JSON, XML and HTML.

Note: As the test suite requires the access key - you should not run it on production devices OR leave any configuration files from the test suite on production devices.


With the Izuma Edge ready test suite, you can:

  • Create test automation scripts.
  • Choose test cases and levels.
  • Run inside a physical gateway.
  • Run a single test case or a group of test cases.
  • Run the test suite on Linux machines with some configuration changes.

Other features include:

  • Scalability.
  • User- and business-friendly reporting.
  • Configurable running order of test cases.
  • Test reports in multiple formats (CSV, JSON, XML and HTML).


  • Izuma Edge (LmP Build).
    • Raspberry Pi 3B+
    • Raspberry Pi 4B
    • i.MX8
  • Ubuntu (Linux)

Note: You must configure the suite to run it on Linux.



The diagram shows the architecture of the test suite. When the runner file starts, it requires a configuration file. The test suite executes all configured test cases.


Test levels

All test cases are in the test-cases folder. The test cases are divided into test levels. In each level, some categories run sequentially as defined in the configuration file.

Level Function Test case file or category
1: file system and specification tests Tests all folders, files, binaries, hardware requirements and mounting of the partitions in the LmP builds - slashDirectory to check all files and folders required for LmP builds.
- partition to test the mounting and size of different partitions.
- Specification to test the hardware.

2: program tests Checks for the existence of the required programs on the gateway. The test cases are validated against the version number of each program. The validation information comes from the configuration file. program_and_service
3: internet connectivity tests Verifies the gateway connectivity to the internet network_and_connectivity
4: smoke tests Tests all smoke checks to make sure the test environment is ready to run functional test cases. If any of them fail, the program terminates, and the software is declared unstable. The test moves on to the next category only when all smoke tests pass. - edge_smoke.
- kaas_smoke.
5: system and acceptance tests Evaluates the system's compliance with the business requirements, running all processes one by one, to verify the system meets the delivery criteria. - edge_services.
- fluent_bit.

Install & Run

  1. Log in to the gateway using serial or ssh, and clone the project:

    curl -LSs https://github.com/PelionIoT/pelion-edge-ready-test-suite/archive/refs/tags/v2.6.1.tar.gz -o perts.tar.gz
    tar -xvzf perts.tar.gz
    mv pelion-edge-ready-test-suite-2.6.1 pelion-edge-ready-test-suite

    or alternatively, if your distribution has git included.

    git clone https://github.com/PelionIoT/pelion-edge-ready-test-suite -b v2.6.1
  2. Use the provide installation script. Get your access key ready.

    cd pelion-edge-ready-test-suite
    sudo scripts/perts.sh -a <ak_... ACCESSKEY>

    The script will download and install node.js, npm and kubectl. It will also create a kubectl and test configuration file if it can guess the target host.

    If there is not readily suitable configuration file, create youw own following instructions inConfigure section and provide the naem of that configuration file to the script via -c <config file> option.

  3. Review the test results. The tests results are visible in:

    • the console/shell and
    • HTML and JSON formatted test reports are also stored in the suite_reports -folder.


The test suite runs according to a configuration file. For sample configuration files specific to Raspberry Pi3, Raspberry Pi4, i.MX8 and Dell, please see test-configs.

Note: Fill AccountID, InternalID and Access Key values.

Create a config.json using these fields and format:

    "title": "pelion-edge-ready-test-suite",
    "device_type": "rpi3",
    "tests_directory": "test-cases",
    "accountID": "<Izuma Cloud Account ID. Ex. -> 015c827e9fdf02420a010b1700000000>",
    "internal_id": "<Izuma Cloud Device ID. Ex. -> 0177b3ab0424000000000001001706ee>",
    "access_key": "<Izuma Cloud Access Key. Ex. -> ak_2MDE3N2FhN2ZhM.............>",
    "test_cases": [
    "mocha_timeout": 60000,
	"log_level": 5,
	"throttle_rate": 500,
	"create_virtual_devices": false,
    "generate_detailed_report": true,
    "internal_server_port": {
        "edge_core_port": 9101,
        "enterprise_server_port": 8080
    "specifications": {
        "minimum_cpu_core": 1,
        "min_cpu_freq": 200000,
        "max_cpu_freq": 4200000,
        "device_mem": {
            "MemTotal": 900000,
            "MemFree": 30000,
            "MemAvailable": 400000
        "SOC_die_temprature": 80,
        "ledConfig": "<Run command - 'cat /userdata/edge_gw_config/identity.json'; Fetch key value -> ['radioConfig']; Ex -> 01",
        "radioConfig": "<Run command - 'cat /userdata/edge_gw_config/identity.json'; Fetch key value -> ['radioConfig']; Ex -> 00",
        "hardwareVersion": "<Run command - 'cat /userdata/edge_gw_config/identity.json'; Fetch key value -> ['hardwareVersion']; Ex -> rpi3bplus",
        "apiAddress":"<Run command - 'cat /userdata/edge_gw_config/identity.json'; Fetch key value -> ['cloudAddress']; Ex -> https://api.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com>",
        "gatewayServicesAddress":"<Run command - 'cat /userdata/edge_gw_config/identity.json'; Fetch key value -> ['gatewayServicesAddress']; Ex -> https://gateways.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com",
        "kaasServicesAddress": "<Run command - 'cat /userdata/edge_gw_config/identity.json'; Fetch key value -> ['kaasServicesAddress']; Ex -> https://edge-k8s.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com"
    "interface": {
        "wired": "default",
        "wireless": "wlan0"
    "connectivity_dns": [
        "<Run command - 'cat /userdata/edge_gw_config/identity.json'; Fetch key value -> ['cloudAddress']; Ex -> api.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com",
        "<Run command - 'cat /userdata/edge_gw_config/identity.json'; Fetch key value -> ['gatewayServicesAddress']; Ex -> gateways.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com",
        "<Run command - 'cat /userdata/edge_gw_config/identity.json'; Fetch key value -> ['edgek8sServicesAddress']; Ex -> edge-k8s.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com",
        "<Run command - 'curl localhost:9101/status'; Fetch key value -> ['lwm2m-server-uri']; Ex -> lwm2m.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com"
    "config_path": {
        "identityJSON": "/userdata/edge_gw_config/identity.json",
        "mcc_config_working": "</userdata/mbed/mcc_config/WORKING>"; In case of PARSEC - "</userdata/mbed/mcc_config/pst>",
        "mcc_config_backup": "</userdata/mbed/mcc_config/BACKUP>"; In case of PARSEC - "</userdata/mbed/mcc_config/its>",
        "device_db_yaml_config": "/wigwag/etc/devicejs/devicedb.yaml",
        "td_agent_bit_conf": "/etc/td-agent-bit/td-agent-bit.conf"
    "binary_path": {
        "edge_core": "/wigwag/mbed/edge-core"
    "program_version": {
        "maestro": "0.1.0",
        "docker": "19.03.13-ce",
        "openssh": "OpenSSH_8.3p1",
        "openssl": "1.1.1",
        "node": "12.19.0",
        "edge_core": "0.15.0",
        "kernel": "5.4.0",
        "td-agent-bit": "1.3.5"
    "partitions": {
        "/dev/mmcblk1p7": {
            "name": "Sysroot",
            "size": "960M"
        "/dev/mmcblk1p3": {
            "name": "Config",
            "size": "8.9M"
        "/dev/mmcblk1p5": {
            "name": "Flags",
            "size": "8.9M"
        "/dev/mmcblk1p1": {
            "name": "Boot",
            "size": "26M"
        "/dev/mmcblk1p6": {
            "name": "Cache",
            "size": "8.9M"
        "devtmpfs": {
            "name": "Dev",
            "size": "457M"
    "fileSystem": [
    "drivers_path": "/lib/modules/<device_driver_version>/kernel/drivers/",
    "drivers": [
  "services": [

The configuration values may vary across gateways and operating systems. Please update accordingly.

Some of the essentials you can modify are:

  • mocha_timeout: the extended timeout in milliseconds for a Mocha test case. The default timeout for a Mocha test case is 2000ms. You can increase it by changing mocha_timeout based on your response time for the test case.

  • log_level: numeric value from 1 to 5:

    • 1 shows only error logs.
    • 2 shows error and warning logs.
    • 3 shows an error, warning and information logs.
    • 4 shows an error, warning, information and debug logs.
    • 5 shows an error, warning, information, debug and trace logs.


gyp ERR! stack ImportError:

If you see this Python issue in npm install:

gyp ERR! stack ImportError: No module named site

Run this command:


node - command not found

The PATH-setting command is not persistent. If you log-out, start a new ssh session or reboot the device the PATH-variable will be returned back to normal. Re-run the PATH-update command.

KaaS tests fail

Please ensure your account has KaaS features enabled. By default accounts do not have this feature enabled, it needs to be enabled separately.

Moderate vulnerability cases reported by npm

Node Package Manager (npm) does report some moderate vulnerability cases for the Edge Ready Test Suite. These should not be of concern, as you should only have the test suite in development devices - briefly.

Note: Production devices must not have this test suite or any configuration files related to this suite in them.

End-to-end Edge Test Suite

You can perform end-to-end tests using the Python test suite for Izuma Edge end-to-end tests. The library is designed to be used with the pytest test framework.


Before you can use the end-to-end test suite, you must have:

  • Python 3.6 or later.
  • pip.
  • venv (recommended).
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install python3-venv
  • kubectl.


    snap install kubectl --classic
    kubectl version --client

Set up

  1. Clone repository.
  2. Create virtual environment.
  3. Upgrade pip.
  4. Install requirements.
git clone https://github.com/PelionIoT/e2e-edge-test-suite.git
cd e2e-edge-test-suite
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Start Edge device.

  2. Create a configuration file based on the environment config template:

  3. Log in to the Izuma Device Management portal:

  4. Create an access key in the portal.

  5. Set the key in the configuration file.

  6. Set the edge device ID in the configuration file.

Example configuration file:

  "api_gw": "https://api.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com",
  "api_key": "",
  "connection_type": "cloud",
  "edge_k8s_url": "https://edge-k8s.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com",
  "gateways_url": "https://gateways.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com",
  "device_id": "",
  "has_remote_terminal": true


Run all tests:

pytest  --config_path=tests/config.json --html=results.html

Please note that the device attributes test will reboot the device under test. You can avoid this by using the reset marker to exclude that test. You might also want to get your results in junitxml -format.

pytest  --config_path=tests/config.json --m 'not reboot_test' --junitxml=results.xlm

Also, not all devices (such as the snap-pelion-edge) implement the CPU temperature/load notifications. You can also avoid the failures for this test case by skipping that test as well.

pytest --config_path="$CONF_FILE" -m 'not (reboot_test or cpu_notif_test) ' --junitxml=results.xlm


There are many ways to configure the test runs. Refer to the full pytest documentation for more information.



Device attribute tests use Izuma Device Management device directory APIs to get device information and device attributes, such as registration status.

Test name Main functions Notes
test_device_registered Verify the device is registered.


Kubernetes tests use the Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. You must enable Edge Kubernetes in your Izuma Device Management account to run these tests successfully.

Test name Main functions Notes
test_node Verify the device is registered in Kubernetes.
test_pod Verify the test Pod can be launched.
test_pod_state Verify the test Pod state is running.


LwM2M resource tests use the Izuma Device Management connect API to read and write resource values to and from the device.

Test name Main functions Notes
test_put_lifetime Verify the write-to-device resource works. Resource '1/0/1'
test_get_lifetime Verify the read-from-device resource works. Resource '1/0/1'


These tests verify the device remote terminal is functional.

Note: Not all edge gateway devices have remote terminal supported. Use the configuration file parameter has_remote_terminal to define whether this test is part of the set.

Test name Main functions Notes
test_remote_terminal Verify communication via remote terminal works.


This test file uses the Izuma Device Management notifications API to register a websocket notification channel to receive notifications such as registration, registration update and resource notifications from the device.

Test name Main functions Notes
test_registration_update_notification Verify the registration update notification is received.
test_registration_notification Verify the registration notification is received after reboot.
test_notification_device_cpu_usage Verify the notification from the device is received. Resource: '/3/0/3320', supported by Snap-Pelion-Edge


For licensing details, please see the license agreement.