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Uploading the manifest

In Portal: Uploading the manifest

Upload the firmware manifest to Device Management to use it with the firmware update service:

  1. Log in to Device Management Portal for your region:

  2. Select Firmware update > Manifests from the left menu.

  3. Click the Upload manifest button.

  4. Enter a name and description for the manifest.

  5. Click the Choose file button, and select the file.

  6. Click the Upload firmware manifest button.

Using the API: Uploading the manifest

Prepare the manifest to use in a campaign:

  1. In the firmware manifest file, update the payloadUri field that points at the image; use the URL in datafile from the step above:

    `"payloadUri" : "<../path/to/file/FULL_EXAMPLE/mbed-cloud-client-example/file.bin`>"
  2. Sign and encode the manifest using the manifest tool.

  3. Upload the signed manifest to the service. Note that this endpoint, like that to upload a firmware image, requires data as a multipart form:

    curl -X POST https://api.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com/v3/manifests
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_key>" \
         -F datafile=@<../path/to/file.bin> \
         -F name="<name>" \
         -F description="<description>"

    You will receive this information:
